2022-10-30 Stay On God's Frequency


When I see through the eyes of grace, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

When I see through the eyes of law, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

The world sees truth based on their reality, what feels right to them, which is very limited, as we live in a fallen world. Death came into the world through Adam. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

How do we stay on God’s frequency? David was a man after God’s own heart, who did all His will. God is looking for those who will do all His will. Seeing Christ and His finished work will cause you to be in step with His Spirit.

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When I see through the eyes of grace, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

When I see through the eyes of law, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

The world sees truth based on their reality, what feels right to them, which is very limited, as we live in a fallen world. Death came into the world through Adam. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

How do we stay on God’s frequency? David was a man after God’s own heart, who did all His will. God is looking for those who will do all His will. Seeing Christ and His finished work will cause you to be in step with His Spirit.

When I see through the eyes of grace, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

When I see through the eyes of law, my heart is shaped to how I see the world around me.

The world sees truth based on their reality, what feels right to them, which is very limited, as we live in a fallen world. Death came into the world through Adam. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

How do we stay on God’s frequency? David was a man after God’s own heart, who did all His will. God is looking for those who will do all His will. Seeing Christ and His finished work will cause you to be in step with His Spirit.

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