2022-09-11 The Latter Rain Will Gather All That Jesus Died To Give Us


The Lord is waiting for the “precious fruit of the earth,” until it receives the early and latter rain.
The rain doesn't fall at a random time, there is a specific time for it to fall.
Known as the “Spring Rain” which falls in March and April, then it brings the harvest.
The “Latter Rain” means to gather everything. The Great harvest gathers everything.
The latter rain will gather everything that Jesus died to give us.
The end time revival is about the “Great Revelation of His finished work!”

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The Lord is waiting for the “precious fruit of the earth,” until it receives the early and latter rain.
The rain doesn't fall at a random time, there is a specific time for it to fall.
Known as the “Spring Rain” which falls in March and April, then it brings the harvest.
The “Latter Rain” means to gather everything. The Great harvest gathers everything.
The latter rain will gather everything that Jesus died to give us.
The end time revival is about the “Great Revelation of His finished work!”

The Lord is waiting for the “precious fruit of the earth,” until it receives the early and latter rain.
The rain doesn't fall at a random time, there is a specific time for it to fall.
Known as the “Spring Rain” which falls in March and April, then it brings the harvest.
The “Latter Rain” means to gather everything. The Great harvest gathers everything.
The latter rain will gather everything that Jesus died to give us.
The end time revival is about the “Great Revelation of His finished work!”

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