2022-08-14 Unstoppable Faith – Comes From Seeing His Unstoppable Grace


Whether or not we enjoy our relationship with the Lord will affect how much we receive from the Lord.
Under the New Covenant, God wants to bless us on the account of His Son and what He did on the cross.
Under an Old Covenant mentality, people want to be blessed on their performance, which limits God to how much He can bless us.
Elijah had run to Mount Horeb, which is Mount Sinai where the law was given. He wasn’t supposed to be there, Elijah never fulfilled his ministry.
You can’t get a New Covenant Blessing with an Old Covenant Spirit. New Covenant system is based on faith and believing.


Whether or not we enjoy our relationship with the Lord will affect how much we receive from the Lord.
Under the New Covenant, God wants to bless us on the account of His Son and what He did on the cross.
Under an Old Covenant mentality, people want to be blessed on their performance, which limits God to how much He can bless us.
Elijah had run to Mount Horeb, which is Mount Sinai where the law was given. He wasn’t supposed to be there, Elijah never fulfilled his ministry.
You can’t get a New Covenant Blessing with an Old Covenant Spirit. New Covenant system is based on faith and believing.

Whether or not we enjoy our relationship with the Lord will affect how much we receive from the Lord.
Under the New Covenant, God wants to bless us on the account of His Son and what He did on the cross.
Under an Old Covenant mentality, people want to be blessed on their performance, which limits God to how much He can bless us.
Elijah had run to Mount Horeb, which is Mount Sinai where the law was given. He wasn’t supposed to be there, Elijah never fulfilled his ministry.
You can’t get a New Covenant Blessing with an Old Covenant Spirit. New Covenant system is based on faith and believing.

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